Renungan, 07 November 2022
Romans 2:16
This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
Bvr. Tiarma, M.Th
This passage is talking about judgment, judging people according to the gospel that was preached to us through Christ. The gospel is good news which says that everyone who believes will be saved: everyone is not looked from race, nationality, skin color and so on but on the contrary will punish unbelievers even they that say they are followers of Christ but their attitude does not show that they are Christians.
This passage tells one of the conflicts that occurred in the church of Rome, at that time there was a different understanding of who was justified and saved before the Lord God? Each, both Jewish and Gentile groups consider themselves the most righteous. Paul emphasized to them that the gospel is the power of God that saves all who believe in Him (both Jews and Gentiles). In Romans 2:1-16 Paul wants to advise the congregation in Rome not to think of each other as the most righteous or better, holier than others. In front of God all are sinners. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). Therefore no one can consider himself righteous and judge others.
Paul’s attitude in this passage is very clear in criticizing the attitude of the Jews who like to judge others, in fact their situation is not better than those who are judged (non-Jews). That’s why in verse 1 it says “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.”. Paul advised them not to judge one another. Because God is a judge who will impose a just and honest punishment. All who have sinned without the law will perish without the law (2:12a). So they won’t be judged by a standard they don’t know. Those who do not have the law will perish because of their sins, not because they ignore the law. Just like the Jews who have the law, they will be judged by the standard they already know, namely the law (2:12b). God judges according to the truth, and not based on the background of life, whether Jew or Gentile (verse 2).
Before God there is no perfect human being, all have sinned and fallen into sin (Romans 8:23). All humans have a dark side, so don’t ever consider yourself the most righteous, holy and pious. Whoever we are, will not be able to escape God’s judgment, even hidden sins will be revealed. God’s law will apply justly regardless of face, regardless of status and position because God never discriminates.
God will never side with anyone, and will never side with certain people. We will be judged based on our deeds. Not guaranteed that prayer people will enter the kingdom of God if they do not love their neighbour, Not guaranteed that these servants of God will enter heaven because they proclaim the way of truth if they do not follow the path of truth. It is not certain that people who look pious will enter to heaven because they hide sin in their hearts.
Judging based on the weaknesses of others is very easy but we do not realize that we also have weaknesses. Let us not find fault with each other and judge, because the right to judge is not a human matter, but God’s business (Matthew 7:1). We are in the world to express peace and are called to complement one another so that we all become missionary of church. (bands Ephesians 4:12-16).
Do not occasionally look down on, underestimate other people because they are different and not the same as us.
Salvation does not only belong to certain people or certain churches. Because there is no church/institution that can guarantee salvation. Salvation does not exist in the church, but the church teaches about salvation which is not the result of human effort and hard work but salvation is a free gift from God. (Ephesians 2:8-9) “For by grace you are saved by faith; not the result of your work, but the gift of God, not the result of your work, let no one boast. Therefore salvation is the most beautiful gift from God to all those who believe.
God loves us not because we are good and righteous before God, but because of His grace, so that we do not perish through sin but have eternal life. (John 3:16). The way God saves us is that He is willing to suffer, be crucified and die on the cross on the hill of Golgotha. For that as church members we are reminded to leave all evil deeds and return to life in the way of God, repent, renew hearts and minds and turn from darkness to light. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17.)